1. The highest salinity is found in-
(a) Lake Van
(b) Lake Chad
(c) Dead Sea
(d) Red Sea
Answer. A
2 . The relief of the ocean floor is generally-
(a) more uniform than that of the continents
(b) not of much significance
(c) more diverse than that of the continents.
(d) show minor variation only
Answer. C
3. Assertion (A) : The amount of salinity in the tropical coasts of continents.
Reason (R) : The trade wind causes upwelling of water in the western coasts and the water is piled up in the eastern coasts of continents. Codes:
(a) Both A and Rare individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Answer. A
4 . Assertion (A) : Oceanic salinity is higher along Tropics co of Cancer and Capricorn.
Reason (R) Increased evaporation coupled with relatively more insolation along these latitudes causes higher oceanic salinity.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not a correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Answer. A
5. The favourable percentage of sea water salinity from the point of view of fish production is-
(a) 2.0 to 2.5
(b) 2.5 to 3.0
(c) 3.0 to 3.5
(d) 3.5 to 4.0
Answer. C
6 . Salinity in ocean water decreases when:
(a) evaporation is more
(b) wind velocity is high
(c) rainfall is heavy
(d) humidity is high
Answer. C
7 . Consider the following statements- Salinity of water in the equatorial oceans decrease because:
1. large rivers like Amazon and Congo enter into the sea
2. evaporation is less
3. waters from Arctic and Antarctic mix with the waters of Equator
4. of heavy rainfall
Which of these statements are correct ?
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 3 and 4 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1 and 4
Answer. 7
8 . Which one of the following sequence in the increasing order of salinity concentration in their waters is correct ?
( a ) Gulf of California Baltic Sea-Red Sea Arctic Ocean
(b) Baltic Sea–Arctic Ocean -Gulf of California-Red Sea
(c) Red Sea-Gulf of California-Arctic Ocean-Baltie sea
(d) Arctic Ocean-Gulf of California-Baltic Sea-Red Sea
Answer. C
9 . Consider the following conditions-
1. Anticyclone conditions with static air and high temperature
2. Cyclonic conditions with unstable air .
3. High precipitation with low evaporation.
4. Low precipitation with high evaporation.
High salinity of ocean waters is associated. with:
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2 and 4
Answer. A
10. Which one among the following sequences of water bodies, from lower to higher salinity concentration, is correct?
(a) Gulf of California-Baltic Sea-Red Sea-Arctic Sea
(b) Baltic Sea-Arctic Sea-Gulf of California-Red Sea
(c) Red Sea-Gulf of California-Arctic Sea-Baltic Sea
(d) Arctic Sea-Gulf of California-Baltic Sea-Red Sea
Answer. B
11. When water freeze in the polar seas the salts-
(a) form a layer on top
(b) remain in the substance water that does not freeze
(c) sink to the bottom
(d) partly freeze and partly sink to the bottom.
Answer. B
12. What is the average salt content in a liter of sea water?
(a) 39 gm
(b) 37 gm
(c) 35 gm
(d) 32 gm
Answer. C
13. Sea water is saltier than rain water because-
(a) Sea animals are salt producing
(b) the air around the sea is saltish
(c) river wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea
(d) Sea beds have salt producing mines.
Answer. D
14 . Assertion (A): Despite low evaporation and stable strati- fication of the atmosphere, salinity is highinpolarregions.
Reason (R) : Sea water freezes leaving the remaining wa- ter saline than before.
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the cor- 14. rect explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true.
Answer. D
15. Average salinity of water of Arabian Sea is (a) 25 ppt
(b) 35 ppt
(c) 45 ppt
(d) 55 ppt
Answer. B
16. Major source of oceanic salinity is
(a) Rivers
(b) Land
(c) Wind
(d) Ash from volcanoes
Answer. D
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